The Trucker's Personal Assistant

by MeganD
(Atlanta, GA, USA)

I've known my husband of one year since elementary school (about 20 years). He is the kindest man I've ever met. He takes great pride in supporting his family, being a good father, friend and spouse.

I try to honor him by being just as good a partner in our relationship. I offer my unconditional support and praise him, because I cant imagine being isolated from the world for the hours and days that he is. He misses out on so much at home, and dont get me wrong, I dont feel sorry for him, I just make a point daily to be a positive source for him.

Our family makes a huge sacrafice, as I am sure all of our families do, therefore I make extra efforts to be the best mom, friend and wife that I can be. When I am stressed to the max, I call my girlfriends that have a sense of what a good marriage is supposed to be. When I surround myself with "drama queens", I get poor advice, just an fyi. I pray alot. I handle the bills and the household. I openly communicate with my husband. I treat him as my best friend. We made an agreement to tell each other "our truth", and if the other person is upset by it, that person responds with, "...what i heard you say was...,". This has worked really well when things have gotten tense because it helps eliminate misunderstandings, and when you're thousands of miles away from each other we can't afford to have those.

I used to get depressed being alone 26 days a month, but I've begun being "selfish" in a way that I hadnt in a very long time. I have rekindled a relationship with myself. I reccommend that all women develop a relationship with themselves and what better time to do it than when our spouses are gone?

I shop a little more, get pedicures, tan and have girl nites with friends. I purposely avoid compromising situations or those that could become that way. I dont want anything or anyone coming between my husband and I. He is the answer to every prayer I every prayed when I was asking God for my "perfect"! I just encourage every woman to have a strong support network and family value.

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Apr 17, 2012
very good advice, thanks NEW
by: Cynthia Harris

I am a newbie and that is a lot of good advice. I have to be his rock. He already trusts me to take care of everything at home. I am still learning to do more by myself though. I have since gotten to do something I really enjoy. Sewing and quilting. But it seems there's hardly time for that right now. I may not be a mom but I am a significant part of my nephews life. That means I pick him up from daycare often and by the time he goes home the day is done. But his trucking allowed me to stay home, babysit my nephew, and all the responsibilities of home. and I even got to go on a quilting retreat. 4 days of nothing but sewing and sleeping was heaven to me. I am job hunting so that may help. but as soon as i have kids its stay at home mom for me. as long as he drives anyways. thanks for a lot of insight into a good marriage between you two. I hope one day ours is up to par at least. thanks again

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