the truckers wife life sucks

by lensey
(fort worth tx)

I hate being a truckers wife because me and my husband have been together going on 3 yrs and we have a beautiful baby girl. She is fixing to turn 9 months.

Anyways we use to laugh and talk but now we don't since he got this job. i miss him so much and this job is tearing us apart. He doesn't want to have anything to do with me. I miss my husband, Hayley misses her daddy but what can we do.

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Apr 26, 2012
Explain the misery..., NEW
by: Anonymous

What misery?

Apr 24, 2012
Do it for wifey NEW
by: Anonymous

Ive been driving 15 years and hated the last 5. I only do it cuz i want to give my great wife the life she deserves.shes a great mom of our 4 kids and if i have to sacrifice my chance at a normal life,so be it.most people have no idea of the misery that comes with truckn.

Nov 03, 2011
Make The Most Of It
by: Anonymous

Being a trucker's wife is difficult at times and this lifestyle can ruin a marriage if you allow it. I usually take advantage of the time my husband and I do have together. I must admit it is not as much as I'd like nor is it as much time as we used to have together but it is better than no time at all. We talk a lot on the phone and when I'm off I usually find a baby sitter and ride with him. This weekend we are both off which usually only happens once a month. If you love your husband know that this may be difficult for him as well. My advice would be talk to him tell him how you feel listen to what he has to say and try to come up with a solution that's in everybody's best interest. This lifestyle is not for everyone and it takes some getting used to. My husband has been driving for a little over a year and we are still adjusting. Honestly I'd rather deal with this situation and still have my husband than to give up and tear my family apart. Yes he goes on the road but I know it's so he can provide the very best for us( we have four kids). He knows when he comes home his family will be there waiting lovingly. So what you can do is try to find your way in this new lifestyle and keep your family together. Good luck to you in what ever you decide. God Bless

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