the unkown

by lisa

in reality i am one American that lost a home and every thing in it. i now reside in a van trying to get back on my feet an saving for the cdl classes you can never give just dust yourself off an start over

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Feb 28, 2010
The Known - Quitters never finish a winner
by: Hervy

Hello Lisa,

I admire your drive, determination and positive attitude.

Though the next day may have unknown for you and tomorrow may be unpredictable the future is got a lot to do with what is known and you said it....

Never give up. Never stop dreaming, believing, making moves toward your goals. Never loose hope, faith, motivation to try. Never give up.

Thanks for reminding us of that.

So often we get so occupied in our own little world and our own problems that we forget there are people facing challenges that dwarf or own.

We all have some types of issues to deal with but we need to keep in mind it could always be worse so we can be grateful for today (challenges included) and keep our minds and hearts away from self pity and victimization or else we will disable our own minds from thinking our way out of those very things we are allowing to stress us. (What a vicious cycle)

Your 3 or 4 lines has preached us an entire sermon. Thanks again. And by the way I once lived in a car and in a storage building. Well I don't know if I should say lived, it was only months, anyway.....I escaped that with the same attitude you have right now.

So what part of NY are you in and what happened if you care to share. If not, no problem we are glad to have you and look forward to seeing you on the big road.


The known quitters never win.

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