The Women Drivers I have Encountered

by dennis

Can't exactly speak for women drivers. But I remember rolling in a terminal where this sole sister (pun intended) was sitting in the break room.

The male drivers were talking like they usually do in profanity laced tirades. She took exception, and asked them to stop. I don't know if it helped or hindered her cause. But it seemed a tad bit overbearing.

In another instance, I was at a chicken coop outside of Manassas (VA). And another very attractive, middle-aged sister asked me to help her shift her axle (which I had just completed doing on my truck).

She rolled through the scale and back on up the road without nary a word, thanks, or kick in the butt for this old dog. Kinda standoffish. But in a testosterone filled environment such as trucking, I can understand why some women seem standoffish.

Many carriers equipped their fleets with auto-shifts to better attract 'em. But their percentages are still relatively low relative to men. Trucking is still a rough, tough, and tumble trade.

With the exception of middle-aged women, who have already had a long career elsewhere, raised families, and basically have nothing to lose, I do not see young women flocking to the industry.

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Nov 04, 2022
some leave their kids at home NEW
by: Anonymous

but some are and go around half dressed and try to steal trucker husbands or get trucker paychecks. wreaks havoc on the wife and kids at home, one was doing it to us and using witchcraft...still cant sling that shit off my shoe..

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