There’s a female trucker out there dresses sexy and targets trucker men to get their check

I’ve been being bullied by a female OTR trucker that lives in NC and runs northeast. She slept with my husband and now won’t stop chasing him and harassing me on social media.

I’m home with the 2 kids and new baby that has some nervous system disabilities from malpractice surgery that I was ALONE for, just like I gave birth ALONE in my house cuz he couldn’t make it home.

I went into labor 9 days early...she’s out there flaunting and I can’t do anything about it. She told me she’s looking for a trucker like I have so she can stay home with her daughter that she leaves homemade just get his check. .

She’s extremely conniving and wears really revealing clothes, hair nails, make up. Of course she can take care of herself and has time for your husband, she left her kid.

Has no responsibilities while I’m stuck here and can’t even shower or go grocery shopping or homeschool the kids much less get my nails done do my hair and make up. Tired of being alone.

My husband has mental health issues and uses sex to cope when things get really bad for him. He’s in therapy but I can’t shake this girl, she’s giving him marital advice and there’s no fighting that.

She’s mentally ill, like really, she changes her accent and it’s weird. She won’t go away. Skimpy clothing walking back and forth across the lot, gassing up her truck, washing the windshield, can you imagine?

Now she’s requesting southeast because that’s where my husband got changed to now to come home weekends. She has more than 1000 trucker followers on Instagram.

Look her up oh_casii slim on instagram google it

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Dec 10, 2021
My husband too. NEW
by: Anonymous

She harassed me by texting my phone. She got my number from out of his phone when he would fall asleep in her truck. She told me everything. They met in Virginia it got so bad I had to just change my number

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