There's no place like home!!!!

by Tina Still
(Gilmer,Tx USA)

My husband and I were team drivers for thirteen years. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2010 and got off the truck. I stayed for a couple of months then came home to care for him.

After his death in 2011 I worked at our school as a bus driver and in the cafeteria to heal and take time to figure out the rest of my life..........Our company R and L Carriers offered me a system driver position a month ago and the time is right....

My first trip out is this Monday morning and I'll be home Saturday....ya'll keep me in your thoughts...I'm so excited to get back in the drivers seat!

I know the my husband will be my co-driver in spirit and our two schnauzers Baby Dink and Scooter will keep me company....happy to have found this site and will send updates!


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Aug 23, 2013
Thinking about Driving with the Husband
by: Anonymous

My husband started driving this March of this year, so far he loves it. We have two boys 11 and 12 (came from my first marriage) and I currently have a full time job I have been at for almost 10 years. I have got to go pick up a trailer with him once maybe a 4 hour drive.

I want to go more but with work and all that is not possible at this time. After our boys graduate we have tossed the idea of me going with him on the road for a little while. I have some what tossed out the possibility of getting my License also and driving team. At first I just want to go on the road with him to see how it is.

I like my big trucks and all, and I do drive stick so I have the basic idea of a stick shift but I just don't know kinda scared.

My husband thinks I can do it, I think I would be a little scared, but I think I could do it. Any advice would be welcomed.

Jun 10, 2012
I am so happy for you Tina!!!!
by: Helonwheels

That is soooo great!!

I am sorry for your loss, but you have the guts it takes to get your new start on life and you deserve the best!!

I will be travelin' with my guy this summer I hope to met you out there on the road so I can say a big hello to ya!! Whats ur handle???

We drive Cali to Georgia every week.
Hope to hear from ya!! :)

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