Things Lookin' Up

by Sarah

Us at the State Fair 2012

Us at the State Fair 2012

I am super excited to be writing this on the Trucker's Wives forum of!!

I have some really great news about my husband's trucking career! My husband has landed another trucking job working a total of 6 states, mostly though just driving in 3 of them. This is grrrreat news for our family!!

My husband will now be able to be home every week! This compared to what he used to do is a HUGE blessing!! My husband has been an over-the-road trucker now for over 3 years.

The first 2 1/2 years, he drove cross-country, all 48 states and he was home only once a month. Then his last job, he drove a regional job driving in 11 states and NOW he does at the max 6 states and is home once a week!! I am so very excited!!

I know I have come on here and told some of my horror and sad stories of what it's been like being a trucker's wife, but I want to encourage all of you trucker's wives to hang in there and to encourage your husband to get a "MORE" local trucking job.

Sometimes if your husband is driving all 48 states, it's not the best for him to jump into a local job right away because it's too much of a shocker for him. If he gradually gets regional, it will be a better transition and he will be less likely to freak out and just go back doing all 48 states!! Don't get me wrong, the trucking industry has to have its cross-country drivers, but when a trucker has a young family with small children, sometimes it's best for him to work either regional or local.

We've made the best of our situation with my husband being an over-the-road truck driver. Trust me, there were times I was in utter despair and cried for days.

If you ladies live near family, count your blessings! If you don't, I encourage you to get involved with a local church family and make friends that will be there for you when you're left at home by yourself.

Oh, and check out on a song--type in the search box "man with 18 wheels" by lee ann womack and listen to it!! It's a great song, I've been singing it to myself all the time; hey, us trucker's wives, we're proud to be a trucker's wife!!

Try to be as supportive as you can to your husband. I spoil my man rotten when he's home, but he's so sweet, he'll do little things by himself like take the trash out.

So hang in there, all you trucker's wives! You should be proud of yourselves; I tell a lot of people that being a trucker's wife is even harder than being a military wife, because I was one of those too.

You see a military wife gets her man home for a year or two in between deployments, but a TRUCKER'S WIFE never gets that--her man is gone ALL THE TIME, of course with a few days of home time here and there, but a trucker never gets 6 months or a year at home with his family like a military man does!

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Oct 04, 2012
Thats Great! NEW
by: Anonymous trucker drives long haul across the land and is home every week for 2 days. He is home for all holidays, vacations, and especially when I need to go to doctors appts etc... so its the same and I wouldn't for the world encourage him to change a thing about OTR he knows how to work it!! :) Not every situation is the same....

I am glad yours was able to find the balance you need for your family, and that's whats important for people to maintain balance in their lives how ever they seem fit..

Great job!! :)

Oct 03, 2012
Change on the horizon NEW
by: Hervy

Congratulations Sarah,

Glad things worked out for you. Thanks for updating us on the good news and encouraging the other ladies to keep their heads up.

Have fun!

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