Thinking about buying a truck???

I'm thinking about buying a truck and pulling containers, is there any money in that?

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Sep 30, 2009
Can you make money as an owner operator pulling containers?
by: Hervy


Will you always make money pulling containers?

It all matters in who you know.

I talked to guys who are going broke pulling containers.

Then I talk to guys who are buying 3rd and 4th trucks doing nothing but pulling containers.

All in all, you just need to do the math with the people who you plan on doing business with. You can figure out exactly what to expect to make with exception of the unknown expenses. Stop at the truckstops and see and speak to the drivers pulling for who ever you plan on pulling through.

You have to find a good outfit or make connection to someone direct to make good money pulling containers.

Aug 31, 2009
Container work, any money?
by: Jimmy

I know in S.Ca. container work is a losing proposition as in the Baltimore area. I'm referring to O/O's that pull containers from the ports to consignees and pick-up at a shipper and return to the port. You can also include rail yards.

There have been wildcat strikes over the years and any truck you see pulling a container is junk. I've read numerous times how the O/O hasn't received any increase in rates in years. Container work is a big broker operation. There aren't many honest brokers out there, right?

When you see a Swift/Knight truck pulling a container from L.A. to Phoenix, it's to get a truck home and just make fuel money. Jimmy

Aug 31, 2009
Do research about buying a truck before jumping in to Owner operator
by: Anonymous

Make sure you can get your TWIC card and hazmat, and make sure you can qualify with a company, pre-hire qualifications, ask all the questions you can. Calculate the rates and expenditures.

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