Thinking of buying my own truck, is freight hard to get?

by Tony
(Fort Wayne, IN)

I am trying to make up my mind. I am driving now for a company as a lease owner op and training new drivers. I have a year experience and a relatively clean record.

I had two accidents when I first started almost a year ago. I hear that some loads pay pretty well, $2 to $3 a mile, along with fuel surcharge. Is this true, and is it easy enough to find freight?

If freight is available, how do I go about finding it?

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Oct 25, 2011
Buying a truck and getting freight
by: hervy

Tony, it sounds like you should hold off for a little while as you learn a little more about the process.

You can make money with a truck if you have the right contacts to get a certain amount per mile as you stated. The larger companies that are very easy to buy a truck and lease from will not pay you that much and has a history of starving you as you barely make the truck payments.

Not all but many, so ask questions to owner operators of any company that you plan on going this route with.

Better companies for leasing to are Land Star and a few others, I hear Dart and FFE drivers talk well of their companies also. But the money is not as good.

To find freight with your own authority you could use a freight broker when needed but you don't want to have to rely on them for all of the loads because it will eat into your profit.

The ideal situation would be to have a relationship with your own shippers and receivers and haul direct so that you get all of the money they are paying.

Don't forget though. You will need a good amount of money set aside. A transmission on a 10 year old truck will cost about (or used to) $7,000. Things happen. Used equipment also can fail, that's just a reality. New even fails and there you have a warranty but who will fund your downtime if you can't get a rental or replacement?

So there are a lot of issues. Visit the page here to learn more about becoming an owner operator

To make a real good living though, you should go ahead and get training with a company doing heavy hauling and then buy a truck to do that. It is a highly under served area of trucking. You will always have high paying freight.

There is money out there, don't let no body lie to you about that. But be careful and keep researching like your doing before making a move.

Best of luck,
let us know how your coming along.


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