this is not about failing a drug test

by Eddie

My question has nothing to do with taking drugs or failing a drug test.I have just been approved to join TMC transportation's orientation in 2 weeks and possibly having to be away from home for 7 to 8 weeks am going to get a short haircut before I go (preferably very short as my hair grows quite fast) does anyone know if they do a hair drug screen? I have heard they need at least 1.5 inches to properly perform the test and since my body hair is very scarce I want to make sure I leave enough for a test if need be, don't want to get sent home for something like that. Again I have no problem with taking the test, I have taken and passed 2 hair follicle tests in the past 1.5 years for previous employers, since I don't take drugs this is not an issue. I only let one person cut my hair and she lives here where I do so getting a haircut somewhere else is not an option for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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May 27, 2015
Just say "NO!" NEW
by: Always Said "NO!"

To make it all more simple, Just say "no" to drugs before you are even old enough to get a job and stay away from the stinking crap for life then you would not have to spend all your time looking for a way to beat the system.

May 27, 2015
Take this job and shove it. NEW
by: Anonymous

Don't go to work for a company that wants a sample of your hair. That itself is absurd to me. If so many had not ever agree to let them do it, it would've phased out years ago. It's a violation of privacy and ethically wrong.

Feb 16, 2015
Wat about the other place? NEW
by: Just saying...

I am not trying to smart off or anything, but don't most humans have a long enough hair for the test in the below the belt area? then it would not matter if they were bald headed completely they would still have long enough hair in that other location. The way I see it, hair is hair regardless if it is from the top of the head or the lower body part area. (between the legs)

Jan 20, 2015
mmm NEW
by: Anonymous

i heard they use the hair follicle for drug test. for forensic dna they only use the follicle so i dont know what a long piece of hair would do for the test. google it.

Jan 19, 2015
lmao eddie NEW
by: Anonymous

its like this you do not even have the length of hair they over your whole body, automatic fail.

on your record forever career over.
drink lots of water stay away from fat water water and water run and sweat sweat sweat.

of course if it in your hair your fucked.

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