This "life style" isn't for all love prevails ( if you allow it)

by Ty
(Georgia )

My love of almost 2yrs has been all over the country. I've traveled with him as well and enjoyed myself immensely.

I found that with being in a relationship with a trucker, the three most important things are trust, communication, and freedom... You might've expected me to say love, but that's a given, FACT!

We give each other the room to grow as individuals, as well as a unit. The day he told me how much he wanted to go and obtain his cdl, I was all for it! Encouraging him, loving him etc... It was difficult in the beginning, still is a little sometimes only because I wanna be able to feel him near me physically, but those months apart makes the heart grow fonder.

Each and every time he cAme back home, it was as if we were meeting Each other all over again. So romantic in a way if you will.

I'm babbling now, all in all you as a couple can make this either work both for yourselves or perish.

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Sep 27, 2017
I Like The Way You View It
by: Hervy

I like that you look at yhe big picture and seek ways to make it work. I think who you are as a person though either helps things go easier or makes the situation harder to deal with.

Seems that you have a great attitude and so prettt much any challenge is met with the expectation of overcoming.

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