Tiffany A.K.A. Sparkly Pants

by Tiffany
(Chattanooga, Tennessee)

Hello! My name is Tiffany but my boyfriend calls me Miss Sparkly Pants :) (Long Story). I am 37 years old and he is 52. We have lived together for almost a year. (I am sooooo hoping he will propose soon!)

He is an amazing man and more than I could have ever asked for. We both have grown children and no pets, so I'm pretty much alone most of the time. He has been a truck driver for over 30 years. I do work a full-time job at a local university and also a part-time job at a gym teaching classes. It keeps me busy.

We live in a beautiful condo on the lake, and I am so thankful for his ability to provide me with a very nice home. I had a very hard time getting used to this life when we were first together, as I had never dated anyone that was gone so much.

I have slowly adjusted somewhat, but still struggle with his absence. I have been on a few trips with him, so I have a deep appreciation and a little more understanding about what he goes through and the stress he is under.

We do talk and text quite a bit daily. We also send pictures to each other, not always of us, but of things that are special. Like sometimes he will send me a picture of his empty passenger seat and say, "wishing you were here with me".

I will leave him little notes in various things that he takes with him, so that he will find them at random times and think of me. When he is home, we enjoy riding the Harley with his MC, Kayaking, checking out new restaurants, and spending time with our families.

We are really trying to make this work! I try so hard to remain upbeat, supportive and positive about our situation and his absence. But sometimes, more at certain times than others, I break down. I cry for days, but try to be strong when we talk.

Nighttime is lonely. It's the hardest part of the day for me. I do miss him so much and I worry about him. I don't want to stress him out on the road, so I try to not tell him these things.

I have recently began hiking with friends and going out to dinner or drinks with them once per week :) Thank you guys for letting me join you.

I am hoping this forum will help me to be more supportive to him and help me deal with the daily struggles I have.

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Jul 15, 2016
Thank You NEW
by: Tiffany A.K.A. Sparkly Pants

Thanks so much guys... I really try to stay positive and supportive to him. I know he needs all the love and understanding that he can get. It's tough for him too. I appreciate the encouragement :)

Jul 15, 2016
this forum will help you... NEW
by: Anonymous

of that, I have no doubt.

Lots of women here to talk to...just stay away from the bitter ones who take out all their hate not only on their husbands, but also the rest of us

In other words, getting into a bitch-fest with them about us is never a good thing to do.

You gotta stay positive in this life... and in a trucking family we have way too much time to think... and those thought can turn to negativity in a heartbeat.

Be cool. I am a member of many truckers forums. This is a good one. A very good one.

Jul 14, 2016
Welcome to the site
by: Hervy

Welcome Tiffany. Sounds like you are hubby are lucky to have found each other. Glad you made it here and thanks for sharing!

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