Tips and Help on Leasing a Truck

by Ivey
(Atlanta ga)

Water hose busted

Water hose busted

I've been driving trucks for about 4 months now and I just went owner operator with my company and leasing my truck.

Does anyone have any good tips they can offer me about keeping my gas mileage down and seeing decent money.

I never really need time off so my truck is always moving but my gas mileage is killing my paycheck.

Anyone have any ideas on how to calculate my fuel and how to see more money consisting insurance truck payments unloading fees tolls and etc. Thanks a lot

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Jan 22, 2023
Keeping Fuel Cost Down for Owner Operators
by: The Crazy Trucker

A combination of things that you can do to lower your fuel cost.

This biggest is going to be driving under 65 mph.
Shift at lower rpm. Hard to do if your rear end and horsepower is not set up for it.

Gradually speeding up and slowing down.

Make sure your tires are properly inflated.
Make sure your wheels are aligned
Make sure your 5th wheeled stays greased up

Do your pre-trips regular to avoid breakdown
Always look under your truck when approaching for leaks.
Always walk around your truck when getting fuel looking for problems. Look at the tires for bolts, nails.

When you are pre-tripping take notice of dry rotten or weak looking hoses. Hoses rubbing against anything from vibration.

Make sure you see no leaks. NO matter how small fix soon as possible. Could be sign of hose or clamp failure.

If clamps are making contact with metal surface, check the clamp.

Make sure the air lines to the trailer are not hanging down and rubbing anything.

Make sure the air lines going over the rear end are not rubbing against anything.

Make sure the air bags are not cracked. Check the cab air bags as well. If you have a slow air leak and can't find it, could be the air bags. Spray them with soapy water and if they are leaking you can see bubbles.

Carry extra 2, 3, 4 inch clamps.

Carry an extra...

Water line,
air bag,
brake chamber,

9 times out of 10 you will end up needed several of these items and by having it you avoid restocking fee and inflated prices and perhaps road call and down time for the part to come in.

Tools and equipment to take

Make sure you replace clean air filters and fuel filters on every other PM.

You can calculate the fuel mileage by taking how many miles you drive on a tank of fuel and divide it by how many gallons you burn to drive it.

That will give you mile per gallon.

Check this page for more about owner operator and leasing

Becoming an owner operator

Tolls and lumper fees are a cost of doing business. You can save on tolls with EZPAss if you go across tolls enough to justify.

Also take shorter runs to help with your Pay per mile. And Don't haul cheap freight!

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