Too fat to be a trucker?

by Mike

I weigh 450 lbs at 6'0 I have good blood pressure 135 good sugar 90 and can do duck walk and all that I carry it real well...

I want to get on with trans am , Tyson or us xpress..btw I'm having gastric sleeve done Monday so I'll b losing 150-200 lbs within a year ...

Yes u read that correctly..if that makes a diff

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Jun 07, 2012
Now days... NEW
by: NickV

They have all kinds of tests at some places and at others they dont. Some have ergonomics where they hook a heart monitor to you and have you do different excercises and your heart rate cant go over a certain number pertaining to your age. Companies are really cracking down. Also they measure your neck circumference and do some mathmatic equation for sleep depervation. If your blood pressure is good and you can do minor excercise without passing out you should be good. If you are really worried about it you can go to a local truck stop, ask around where the closest place is to get a medical card renewed and go get checked out at a doctor that does medical cards (not all docs do this). Cause I will tell you what, there is no worse feeling than having to ride a stinkin bus all over Gods green earth to orientation and then have to ride straight back cause you couldnt pass a companies stupid medical tests. Also your blood pressure in situations as those tends to rise. Its all a big game companies play now days since the industry is flooded with new drivers. Good luck to you and if you have anymore questions feel free

May 19, 2012
gastric bypass
by: Anonymous

Do you mean your having gastric bypass (stomach staple) done?

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