Totally disgusted!

by Fed Up in Georgia

I and my other half are OTR truckers. All in all we enjoy our work and seeing more of the country then most people. But I have come to a point where I am totally disgusted with the trucking industry.

Not because of the hours, shippers, or missing the home front. No,it is because of the truckers themselves. I am a neat clean person, I keep my truck very clean, as I do myself. Still wear my make-up and do my nails on the truck!

This morning I got a nice little surprise when I stepped out of my truck. Somebody had set a bag of.....crap out and left it there. Now I have seen many things riding this beast of a machine. Parking lots that ALWAYS smell like urine. People throwing there bags of trash out.

I feel so sorry for my guy,to have to go into bathrooms were truckers go in to do there business. Makes him feel ashamed to be a trucker! But,this throwing your feces out into the parking lot tops the cake. THERE IS A TRUCK STOP RIGHT ACROSS THE PARKING LOT!!!!!!



I am sorry if I have offended anybody out there that is like me and take pride in acting like a human being. But,I have gotten fed up with truck drivers that do not care about anyone else around them.

It is no wonder company's just want you to drop your freight and get out. Because they are fed up with the behavior,just like I am.

Fed Up In Georgia

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Jul 18, 2011
Totally Disgusted
by: Anonymous

OMG-WOW. My DH just started in this business. He forunatley has not come across this behavior yet but I cannot imagine someone doing such a thing. What would your Mother say? She didn't raise you like that. In order to change the publics view of the trucking industry things like this need to stop.

Jul 13, 2011
Have some pride!
by: Laura

My man is the same way, keeps his truck clean, is always clean shaven, wears clean clothes and presents himself in a professional manner. He remembers the days when truckers showed pride in themselves and is now embarassed to even be affiliated with these kinds of people. What ever happened to this industry?

Jul 13, 2011
by: Rolly Polly

Thanks for pointing this out. I call drivers who throw trash, urine & (ugh) feces on the ground "Tacky Truckers".

This is also why wal-mart is slowly but surely making it so that we are not allowed to park at their stores...

I don't know about ya'll, but when I was OTR, I NEEDED TO SHOP AT WALMART!!! I say need because they are (were) one of the few places where you can park your truck & trailer, shop & long as you were a customer, park overnight...

Getting back to the point: I also feel that's why some truck stops either a) charge for parking b) have small parking lots with enough spaces for only 10 trucks (Love's, I'm talking to you) c) or no overnight parking PERIOD

They do all of these things to DISCOURAGE us from being there...

Jul 13, 2011
feeling disgusted with what you see around you
by: Hervy

I know the feeling. You talk about the same things that I addressed on this page, except for the doo doo at the doorstep!

change in the trucking industry

We have a long way to go and the only way to have any chance at keeping the transition a reality is for people to voice themselves as you have done and when we see some clown doing stuff like this, call him/her out. ON the CB if possible!

Yes, shame him. In fact report him to the people if he doesn't correct it. Like you said this is ridiculous and nasty and it's littering and may be a bio hazard, I don't know but it's a pitiful display of home training.

It is part of (or is should say the attitude behind someone doing that type of thing is) what makes people in and out of the industry look at all of us in a negative way until we have to prove ourselves otherwise and it spills over in how we are treated.

Thanks for posting that episode.
And the only type of person who should get offended is someone guilty of this ignorance.

By the way this includes dumping your trash out in the lot, writing on walls, leaving the toilet nasty, yall sick for that. Nasty! Pathetic!

Where do you come from? Really?

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