TQL SUCKS! Worst Broker in US>>>>

by Tony
(Spartanburg, SC )

TQL Sucks

TQL Sucks

People STAY AWAY from these morons. We handled several loads from them delivered on time and no issues. The last load handled for them was a partial that the receiver claimed that had damage. I called TQL rep who handled the load he would not call me back for weeks. I emailed till I finally reached their in house counsel. Chris Brown (no not the singer) is when I got the claim emailed. This took almost a month while they were holding 40k of our freight bills for loads that had nothing to do with the last shipment.

WHY DO WE CARRY 250K of cargo? When we contact the receiver he claimed that they repaired the damages hung up on me. NO pics or given us the opportunity to have our insurance send out an adjuster. ****PLEASE DON"T USE THEM! we paid the driver, the fuel, the truck and trailer payment, the insurance for the move and they carelessly gouged us. Tony. Trust me it's not worth it.

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Aug 26, 2019
by: Anonymous

They are the worst of worst. They pay a fcking shit. We should ban these guys. Trucking companies should stop calling them. Its better to wait for load by waiting 1-2 days rather then picking up there shit load and ruining the market price. Please stop calling these people and ban them. We have ruined our respect in this market and we have to get it back. #bantql

Dec 04, 2015
You get runaround from them NEW
by: Anonymous

This story is about TQL (http://www.tql.com/) and what I had to deal with to get the load, from a drivers stand point. [MEDIA=youtube]7YPiC8SjMMo[/MEDIA]

If your in the trucking industry you know all to well about brokers. Most of them that I have over the years have been alright. There has been some loads that have had there problems. I hope that none of you drivers have to put up with this Broker. It sounds like this happens more than it should.

TQL logistics
USDOT Number 2223295

Dec 04, 2015
TQL the most unethical and incompetent NEW
by: Don

i have been in the logistics industry (brokering company) for over 10 years and TQL is by far the worst. i deducted claims from them and was told i could not and i had to go thru their "claims process". i have never had a claim approved only once paid thru an insurance company. Back ups was emailed numerous times but they still supposedly did not receive them. On one claim i actually received a letter stating they could not get the money from the driver and in spite of having a claims process they were not legally responsible for claims because they are a broker. The letter also suggested i go after the driver's insurance they hired. When they took me to collections for the claim they said that the claim was denied because i did not reply to their letter stating they were not legally responsible for the claim. If that makes any sense?? The bottom line is they dont pay claims no matter what info. you give them or how legitimate it is. Avoid TQL no matter what side you are on all they care about is money for themselves.

Oct 27, 2015
by: Merlin

Impressed! It’s been a long time that I got interest to read what others write to have useful information that I further discuss among my gathering and it makes our time good. We make cross questions and answer them but for all that I read articles and this site has been on top of my list for providing such information. Supernatural Jacket

Sep 24, 2015
by: Anonymous

Had the same experience on a friend in San Antonio tx . They even wouldn't allow them to book anymore freight till the matter was settled.m

By the way it's a way for receiver or payer of freight to postpone paying TQL. And the carrier has to hold the burden till it's all settled .

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