Tractor running at night when the reefer turns on

by Mike

Last night a Lisa/FFE reefer rig parked across the street (in a lot where it's allowed At This Time) and when the reefer came on the tractor came on.

The driver was in the motel so it wasn't running for him. The tractor was LOUD, cycling when (I assume) the A/C in it came on.

Normally reefers don't do this, thank God, so what gives?

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Aug 03, 2012
Noisy truck.
by: Jimmy

Reefers can be set to cycle on/off, just like your refrigerator does in your kitchen. When the set temp reaches the setting, it turns off for awhile, right ? And the tractor could have what's called optimal idle, where it cycles on/off according to what temp its set at.

The engine actually starts automatically, then shuts off automatically. Even thought truck was parked at a motel, the second driver could have been sleeping in it or his dog. Jimmy

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