traffic backup's

by william

if you're in a 20 mile backup across a mountain pass would it be better to pull over or to stay in line?

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May 23, 2009
William's stuck in traffic.
by: Jimmy

Yikes, a 20 mile back-up!?

How do you know it's 20 miles? Is it that crystal ball you have there on the dashboard? Well, then, ask the crystal ball what the hold-up is.

Continuing on or pulling over. Well, William, it's kinda up to you. Assuming you have a C/B radio, you can get info as to what's going on. Creeping along at 1-3 mph for miles on end can get that left leg a little sore. You know, pushing in the clutch etc. Is the back-up from heavy traffic? Are all lanes open? Is it snowing? Is one lane blocked? Are they clearing an accident? Is a medical helicopter landing on the highway? Is it a fatality? A landslide? Why is there a back-up? When you have this info, you can better make a decision. If you have plenty of time,pull over and get a nap or a snack and wait till traffic opens up. OR, just creep along.

It's kinda like driving thru Austin, Tx on I-35. Should I take the upper deck or lower deck? Many times in trucking, you just make a decision and hope for the best. Remember, ain't no perfect world. Words of wisdom from Jimmy.

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