The Transport Industry

Future Truckers Insight and Success Guidelines

Future Truckers Be sure that trucking is something that you want to do before you make a final decision to become a trucker.

You are at the right place for that. In case you got to this page before getting to some other important pages, here are a few links.

You may have heard some negativity about truck drivers based on a few bad apples. Plus the influence of the movies and music which were great for entertainment but not so much for perception of the industry or at least drivers.

Some bad apples out here are the ones who enable those negative perceptions to thrive. We want your help in erasing this negative image. That is why you should take serious, you thoughts about whether this is actually the career for your or not.

If it isn't, please spread the word about what you have learned about drivers and trucking. If it is the career choice for you, I want you to check out what it means to be a good trucker. Don't become what you see on the movies or hear on the radio. Basically handle the job like you are working for your very own company.

Deliver on time, be courteous when driving and interacting with customers. Drivers that do not deliver on time cause issues with shippers and receivers. The transport industry is time sensitive.

Failing here contributes to why truckers sit at the docks for hours just waiting. Plus if you are not dependable, you will not have a good working relationship with your dispatcher or driver manager.

You will see trash or pee bottles sometimes on the truck stops parking lots and on the ground where trucks park. This is why we can't park in some places overnight.

So just as in life, we reap what we sow. Poor attitude and bad habits will only help the industry to continue to have complex issues and tough obstacles for drivers to over come.

We have to change how we as drivers represent ourselves in order to expect others in and out of the industry perceives us.

Again, please check out How to Become a Good Truck Driver if you decide to become a trucker and welcome aboard.

Guidelines for becoming a Professional Driver
Change in the Trucking Industry
Using Trucking To Change Bad Habits
Transport Industry New Driver Tips
Tools for the Road

Introduction to the Transport Industry

Thinking About Trucking?

Life As A Trucker Presents...

Intro To A Career in Trucking

For those with little time to read about the trucking jobs.

Introduction To a Career in Trucking

Ride With Me for Motivation

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Use Trucking To Change
Bad Habits