Traveling overseas while having a job as a trucker .

by John
(Ft . Lauderdale , FL , USA)

Hello ,

I have a question , I recently got my CDL " Class A " license and I'm very happy and excited about it . I'm 21 years old and I'm getting ready to get on the road for the first time . One of the reasons why I decided to become a truck triver ( for a few years only ) is because I want to utilize trucking as a tool to travel overseas and also fulfill a childhood dream of going to Japan ( and even living there someday and so forth ).

However my main concern is :

" Will I be able to travel overseas for a month at least without having to worry about my company firing me ? - Will I lose my job if I ask for 1 month off ( or more ) for overseas travel ? "

I really like this site because it has really helped me to make the decision to become a trucker easier and it is also a great resource for motivating others who want to achieve their goals and be happy in life .

Thanks Hervy !
Great work man !

Best Regards

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Sep 12, 2009
John likes Japan.
by: Jimmy

Welcome John, I would say asking for a month off won't go over too well. Most companies terminate you when off for 30 days or longer. It shows to the company that you are more interested in traveling overseas than driving. But, you never know.

If you hire on and are there for awhile, and prove yourself, you are in the drivers seat. I can't count the number of places I've worked at over the years, quit, then came back a year later and was re-hired. I've even worked some places 3 different times. Jimmy

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