Truck detailing single mommy just seeking employment

by Ashley
(Knoxville TN)

Hi im a single mother . I worked in Knoxville off watt rd at the truck wash detailing business .lots of u drivers may know me from there.

I also was permitted to work at TA and Petro detailing trucks on their lot. Now I had many run ins with the "women" working the lot at these businesses but I in no way approve of what they do.

If ur looking for that kind of services look else where or stop reading NOW!! The economy is hard I am looking to pick up trucks to detail cheaper rates than u will pay blue beacon or anywhere else .

I worked at the Petro off watt rd for a long time detailing vehicles those of u that know me know I do a great job and i'm only trying to work to survive.

My name is Ashley long blonde hair if that helps any of u remember me? I'm really trying to start my detailing business back up but really don't want to be in a back lot because of the dangers and other things that go on.

If you are looking for someone to detail your truck, all of it or just part of it, I can meet in any public place that will be easily accessible for you in your truck.

You can contact me at

Thank u

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Sep 14, 2012
Truck detailing single mommy just seeking employment NEW
by: trucker yitz

good luck. best advertising is by word of mouth referrals. hope all goes well for you.

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