Truck Driver training completed, needing to retest

by Marisa
(Chandler, Ok)

In need of CDL truck rental (automatic) will pay $$$$!

In need of CDL truck rental (automatic) will pay $$$$!

Hello, my name is Marisa. I have just completed 160 hours of truck driver training, complete with highway miles. Passed my pretrip, and airbrakes.

I am only needing to retest for skills and drive.

I keep passing straight back and offset, and then timing out on my thirds skill due to being overly cautious, and nerves.

The school will not retest me again. Paid outta pocket for TDT and desperately in need of an automatic CMV for testing purposes so I can get on with my life.

Husband is already OTR and I want to join him! Will pay $$$$ much appreciated. Call or text (405) 812-6036

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