Truck Driver Training Without Recent Experience

by Uplands Martinez
(Long Beach CA)

Why do trucking companies want you to have 6 months recent work before they will accept you into their training school?

I haven't worked since 2008 I lost my job then because of unpaid tickets due to no job. My license got suspended now I couldn't find a job because trucking is all I know. I went to school. that didn't go so well became homeless.
still homeless now that I have my license.

Now they want 6 months recent work. I can't win for loosing people are telling me to lie but I know God will not bless that lie.

Can someone please help me get back to driving which is what I love to do.

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Jan 13, 2023
Getting Hired With Little or No Recent Trucking Experience
by: The Crazy Trucker

If you are able to go to truck driving school there are plenty of trucking companies that will hire you with no recent experience. Sounds like you are trying to get into the wrong type of program.

The larger companies that will train you for your CDL and hire you to drive after completion. Just be upfront about your background when filling out application or you might find yourself getting sent home if they discover something while you're in training then you'll be stuck with a bill.

If you have a valid CDL but haven't driven in a while then a few companies...

Averitt Express being one
Roehl being another

have refresher courses.

Getting a trucking job with no recent experience

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