Truck Driver was going 80 in 65 and side swipped my vehicle, will he get fired?

About 2 weeks ago I was involved in an accident with a tractor trailer. He side swiped my vehicle by coming in my lane and hit me with such force that it spun my vehicle completely around.

He was found 100% liable for the accident because he was speeding in excess of 80 mph in a 65 mph and says he didn't see me. My question is that if it is an at fault accident is he automatically terminated after the investigation by the trucking company is complete?

Also, will he be able to get a trucking job in the future? I hate someone losing their job but the accident could of been a lot worse. My car is completely totaled but I walked away from it with all my body parts still intact.

Lots of physical therapy in my future though.

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May 21, 2014
by: Anonymous

the meat-head who wrote the last comment must really think all truck drivers are good drivers? well, meat-head you are wrong there are plenty of truck drivers who do not follow the rules of the road and who think they own the road to boot.

this is why they get fired if they get into fault accidents and it stays on their records for years to come and other truck companies will not hire them when they become a high risk.

remember some of those rigs out there can weigh very heavy and become a killing machine to motorists. so dont feel guilty if the driver loses his job he could of taken out so many lives at 80 MPH.

some are owner operators true, but they are still a high risk and the insurance company will let them feel it!!

sorry about your accident and i wish you a speedy recovery...

May 20, 2014
hmmm NEW
by: Anonymous

First there is no trucking company i know of that is allowing their drivers to go over 65 MPH.
most all major trucking companies govern their trucks to a max of 65 mph. Now this may have been an owner operator believe me he is feeling any and all sting of your accident.
Me personally i think you are full of chit and you were doing 80 and tried to pass this driver but because of your speed he gets the fault.

whatever dickhead Us truckers know your story is BULLCHIT.


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