Truck Drivers, We Need You...

by Phil
(Waynesboro, TN USA)

Defend The Constitution Rally 2014

Defend The Constitution Rally 2014

Attention Truck Drivers, we need your help please...

I created a Rally for Defend The Constitution Rally 2014 and I need your help to get it off the ground.

Check it out:

We are losing America – plain and simple...It’s time for every God-fearing American to take stock of where our great nation is heading…..before it’s too late!!! Despite our nation’s greatness, we all know that America has problems...

The traditional family unit is being attacked on every side...Higher and higher taxes continue to burden a smaller and smaller group of hardworking citizens...Our public schools have become a conduit for anti-family, anti-religion, and anti-morality messages...

The entertainment industry pours immorality and violence into the minds of our children on a daily basis and the list could go on and on...

Taking back America by Defending The Constitution Rally 2014 is a blueprint for “reclaiming” America, piece by piece, one day at a time, one battle at a time...It’s time for radical, revolutionary action on the part of all who are brave enough to look reality in the face and do something – now – to protect the time-honored values and first principles that made America great...

It’s time to ignite the "Defend The Constitution Rally"... “It’s time to celebrate virtue and knowledge of our Constitution again...It’s time to wake up your neighbors so they can once gain smell the sweet aroma of freedom…Let’s take America back...Let's Defend The Constitution...

As you know an event this size takes time and money to put on...The "Defend The Constitution Rally 2014 does not receive the camping fees as the owner of the property does and the property owner does not contribute to the artist/musicians/band or any Speakers that have to be paid...

The stress is flooding my soul because I am looking to make this Rally a smashing success and desperately need help to do that...Please help and support this cause as we will have the opportunity in the near future to carry on our Rallies to other locations throughout the USA...

For more info, click on the website:

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