truck driving companies & drug tests

by Renee


All comments welcome. I would like to know what trucking companies do urine analysis for drug testing? As I know Prime is 1 co.

Thank you Anonymous.

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Aug 21, 2014
Opinons are like a holes. NEW
by: Anonymous

Maybe if y'all would answer the questions instead of preaching you could save some people time and energy. Just cause someone smoked a joint doesn't make them an addict. But it will show up on a hair test and you will be deemed an addict pretty much. If your without sin, cast the first stone, by all means.

Jan 09, 2014
Answer to your question
by: M Watson

Federal law requires all trucking companies to be enrolled in a drug testing program. You will be test prior to hire also at random during the term of your employment. If you have a problem habit perhaps you should consider another profession.

Jan 09, 2014
Decision time
by: NickV

Every single one of them

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