Truck driving is the worst job

My husband has been driving for 10 years and since we have kids, me and the kids are not allowed on the truck because only 2 people allowed in the truck, so we don’t get to see him for next home time till maybe 2-3 months!

The pay sucks and so do the medical benefits! 10 years ago before he took the job, we were a very close family, he had friends but he never allowed them to interfere with his family life, well now he got changed from hanging out with the wrong ones!

Me and the kids always had his back and gave him love and attention and lately now he starts fights with me for no apparent reason and he is only driving his family away!

My cousin was thinking about becoming a truck driver and he sees the crap me and the kids are going through with him and he said he’ll pass and reconsider either joining the military or getting into the police academy!

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Jan 23, 2020
Worst job ever NEW
by: Anonymous

When I read this, I said I am glad I am not alone! And mine used to be close but mine too is hanging around the wrong bunch! I see mine every 3 months and when we have an argument he throws it in my face that he is going to move out because since being on the road he has issues with women and he hates it when I defend myself verbally from him so I told him go right ahead and move out! I never called him a bad name till now and he still wears his wedding ring but I now no longer wear mine and I have him blocked on my phone both with phone contact and I took him out of social media and he tried to contact me at work since he couldn’t get me on my personal phone, my friend lied to him and told him I was in meetings and asked him what did he want and she told him that she would have me call him, she never told me till a week later and when he called back a week later and he wanted to know why she didn’t give me the message, she then told him to go away that he is no good and he has issues with women and he is nasty, so I would have to say trucking is the worst job out there for married people and for families! And I forgot to mention that my friend called him a whore chaser, he threatened to report her to the boss, her answer was priceless when she shot back and said go ahead a** hole, my boss happens to be my father and I was and is Daddy’s little girl and she did put him thru to her father and that was useless on his end, I used to love him whereas now I am starting to HATE him with good reason and she has a brother that is a lawyer and she suggested that I should have given him divorce papers on Christmas and I said well Valentines Day is 3 weeks away! He never wants to talk and get things resolved, his idea of making up is not to talk but sex only, I don’t think so! I cannot wait to be rid of him, 3 more weeks and I am free of him!!

Sep 12, 2019
2 to 3 months gone? NEW
by: Anonymous

i wouldn't work for a company that made me live in my truck.
when i worked over the road three weeks tops i was gone.

Now i am home daily and make damn good money.
the benefits are fantastic and yes i drive a truck for a job.

maybe he should look for a better company.

Sep 11, 2019
Truck Driving is the RIGHT Job
by: Cheryl

Hervy is right in so many ways. Although you guys are not in the truck together, even after 10 years, there are still ways to make it work. Try to take a few days off and go with him. Some people have no clue what it's like out there day after day and being without family. If he's getting irritable, it may be because freight has slowed and had given him more time to think of what he's missing out on at home. But if trucking isn't for him after ten years and he still turns around and gets in the truck, then trucking is the right job. I did it for 17 years and missed alot here and there, but I made it work for my family and myself. If you have made it 10 years, then that's half the battle. I don't know how old your children are, but soon enough they will be grown and doing their own things, then mom and dad will be like the Elf on the Shelf. Be patient with him and find cool, interesting things to talk about when he calls. Don't complain about the neighbors or the kids. Be creative. Good Luck and we all here for you to help get over this little bump.

Sep 11, 2019
Sad to hear but there is hope - Plus your statement is not true
by: Hervy

Hate that you are experiencing those issues. There is hope if you believe there is hope. Especially based on how you said things were prior to trucking.

It means the guy has positive history and can go back to expressing those characteristics.

I think that most times either the driver doesn't recognize the shift in attitude or personality and it's due to the stress and unpredictability of trucking...(which can come from lack of preparedness or being lied to/mislead to about the job)

OR the driver has allowed him/herself to become distracted by bright shinny objects. (Sometimes other companionship, drugs, the idea of independence (even from family) etc.

The major common issue in either/all of these situations in my opinion is not CAUSED by trucking it is an expression of lacking in personal development.

Trucking gives presents a great opportunity for this lacking in personal development to be expressed.

However, I believe that with the right information and insight you might be able to make a difference and if he is somehow made aware of THINKING about what he is doing and how he has lost focus on what should matter most in his life, he can return to his old self.

That is why I have created this page.
Dating and Relationship Advice

The only unfortunate thing is he should re reading it also. However, even if you just read a lot of the information on that page and the pages linked from there, it could give you insight for how to deal with the situation.

Especially read and download the PDF about long distance relationships. There is a link on that page to the long distance relationships page.

On that PDF are questions that I suggest you ask to each other related to the relationship and the future. I will force him to think about some of his actions. (Indirectly)

I also gives you an opportunity to bring up your dislike of his actions (as he will have about you) but it won't be in an attacking way because you are both sitting having a discussion based on questions that both will ask not coming from either of you but from the document.

It kind takes that heat off of each of you but still get important information from the other person and allow each of you to communicate your true feelings about the current state of affairs.

Trucking is not the worse job. It's the right job for many people or families. For some it's perfect and for many families it's a blessing.

It's important to make that distinction so that you can actually have hope and work toward improving the relationship despite him being a truck driver.

Many truckers and wives are very happy. It's about mindset and perspective. That is based on personal development. or lack there of.

Unfortunately it's not part of the curriculum at school so we have to come about it in other ways. Ideally the parents will instill it, but if they lack it...…..

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