Truck driving school while on suboxone

by Ben

Hey guys, I’m looking into NETTTS to get my CDL, but I’ve been on suboxone nearly a year now. I’m afraid of relapse if I get off this stuff, and it doesn’t impair my driving ability.

I’ve done some research as far as DOT physicians, and needing a letter from my prescribing physician stating that I’m ok to drive,

I’m just wondering if anybody out there has gone through trucking school in my position, and if so, were you able to get through it without being hassled for your medications?

Any feedback would be helpful. Thank you.

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Feb 04, 2024
Praying NEW
by: Anonymous

How the CDL school go, wondering since I'm in the same boat. Please answer and pray it worked out

Jan 15, 2024
DOt and suboxine NEW
by: Anonymous

I had my doctor clear my suboxine to get my DOT physical. It’s a legal prescription. As of school I’m going to find out. I don’t see why not since it’s legal and DOT is ok with it.

Nov 04, 2018
Passed a drug screen for a major trucking company on Suboxone NEW
by: Anonymous

They did a 12-panel urine drug test at my orientation for a major carrier I just didn't tell them I was on suboxone and I obviously passed the drug screen as I continued on through the paid CDL training. I'm not advocating to lie, but what they don't know .... well, you know. People say, "Oh no, if you get in an accident, they will say it's your fault." Well, again, they don't test for it even then (according to a fellow driver that had an accident and was given a standard UA within hours after the wreck). I'm not sure about that but I just never tell them.

Apr 16, 2018
Suboxone NEW
by: Anonymous

Suboxone is an opioid:
You won't be able to pass a drug test. Trucking companies will give you a urine or hair follicle or both, drug test.
You'll have to be completely off all opioids; legal or illegal, to qualify for trucking. Your body & hair will also have to be clean of opioids.

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