Truck driving school.....stick shift

I've driven a stick once; and I'm entering driving school on the 21st. Is this going to hinder me, or will they just tell me they can't teach me?

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Oct 04, 2009
Update on Trucking Training
by: Anonymous

Hervy thanks for asking

School is going good. We start driving on the road tomorrow, if we have our permits. I got my permit first try out. So far driving the stick around the yard hasn't posed any threat to me, but I'm sure tomorrow will be different lol.

I'm having trouble with my offset maneuvers but its going well. Tomorrow I get to learn to double clutch. Some folks there have driven a stick some haven't, no one has really had difficulty with it, but the shifters and clutches are overly abused in the yard, some catch up top some in the middle some in the bottom, some are hard to get into neutral some are hard to get into first, just got a play with the clutch and shifter until it grabs its gear.

I've gotten two pre-hires already TMC trucking and covenant. I'm hoping for more in the days to come.

Hopefully I will be on the road in a month or so!

Sep 30, 2009
truck driving schools don't care about you not being used to driving a stick
by: Hervy

They are pretty good at getting you in gear with no prior stick training.

Half of the people there probably have never driven a stick.

How is school going? How many people in your class and how many are comfortable driving stick shifts?

Sep 15, 2009
No worries tractor trailers are easier to drive than manual cars
by: Brian

Great news: A car/pickup truck manual is nothing like a big truck. You'll actually be easier to teach. Hey I drive an 18 speed all day and drive an automatic Ford to the house.

Sep 04, 2009
Can I become a truck driver if I can't drive a stick shift?
by: Jimmy

When I was an instructor, I had students that had never driven a stick. It was more work for me, but I did get them through OK. It's more work for the student however, since he now has to learn about trucks AND driving a stick. FYI, a lot of trucking companies are using autos now. Jimmy

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