Truck driving w/ misdemeanor record

by Ty

I was wondering if I would be able to find jobs driving trucks w/ a 4 year old DUI and a misdemeanor domestic violence charge? Lol weird question, I know, but I wanted to go to CR England to be specific

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Sep 06, 2011
Trucking life with a record
by: Hervy

Not a weird question Ty.

Sadly though your probably in for rough ride.

Like it was mentioned most companies want that stuff to be at least 5 years old. Not that it will be impossible to find someone, but it is likely to not be easy.

Good luck,

Let us know how things turn out, always interesting to see how things actually unfold.

Sep 06, 2011
Get your record expunged
by: Anonymous

Most crimes are on a company to company consideration. About the DUI most companies require five to ten years. Why don't you hire a lawyer and get the DUI expunged from your record.

Beside it is best to walk away when you get mad, and don't drink and drive.

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