truck tires falling apart

by Marina
(Anderson, IN)

Just a quick question. I live in Indiana. When i drive to work i take the highway. There have been a few times i have seen a truck driver w a tire getting ready to blow. Are they aware of their tire going bad?? If not how can i notify them?? Thanks so much.

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Aug 31, 2009
Thar she blows. Truck Tire Tips
by: Jimmy

Understood. Yeah, when a tire starts shredding, it is going to blow. First a small piece comes off, then another and finally it explodes. Don't be behind it when it does.

You don't want tread flying into your windshield. (trucker slang is a gator). What happens quite often is a tire goes flat and the sister tire now has all the weight on it and cannot hold up and then overheats and blows. Any driver worth his salt will always check his tires every time he stops.

Thanks for looking out for us. Jimmy.

PS, always pass a truck quickly, do not ride along side, you are really vulnerable to mishaps.

Aug 31, 2009
Response about big truck tires
by: Marina

I guess i used the wrong word. I have seen the back tire falling apart. The rubber part flapping around and falling off. I guess i just assumed it would blow. I know those things can be hazardous but want to warn the trucker somethings going on. :)

Aug 30, 2009
She cares. How to get a truckers attention to warn of a problem
by: Jimmy

How do you know a tire is going to blow? But assuming you do, you can pull up next to the driver and just honk lightly and point to the rear of the trailer. He'll get the message something is wrong and pull over to investigate. Don't try to mouth words etc. Too much hassle at 65 mph. Jimmy

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