truckdriver stereotype

Why does everyone think truck drivers are crazy and weird?

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Aug 12, 2008
The Stereotypes of truck drivers broken down
by: The Crazy Trucker

Lol, well, I have been called crazy and weird myself!

I know you are talking about a much more serious characteristic of those two words then how they pertain to me though.

Just as with the stereotype people have of any other group of people they are not personally knowledgeable of, ignorance takes over. People go by the movies they've seen, or the stories they've heard or seen on the news or read in the newspapers or on television.

It's very easy for a small number who in fact demonstrates negative characteristics to help create the illusion that it is true about the majority of the group to nonthinking, small minded people.

Especially since the more positive minded, normal everyday or even extra ordinary people who shine from the very same group will never get the same amount of exposure.

If its not drama or tragedy it's likely not to be reported. In the movies, we are basically portrayed as rebels in every sense with little discipline or moral boundaries.

For the more intelligent people like you, they ask questions or do research or judge us truckers based on personal interaction.

At the very least, they refrain from taking their judgment serious or at face value because they understand the meaning (or live with a certain level of awareness) of the saying, "Don't judge a book by it's cover."

For all the other clowns out there, they assume all 3 million of us truckers are pot belling, redneck, weirdo's and crazies they have seen in the media.

And I must admit, there are some weirdo's and some straight up lunatics out here. But there are also wacko lawyers, dentists, teachers, stock brokers, burger flippers and pastors. Every profession has people of different personalities and varying degrees of character flaws.

Thanks for asking!

Hey help the ignorant, spread the word!

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