trucker driver short and long haul who is deaf or hard of hearing

by harvey morse
(nova scotia kingston)

how about it deaf people and hard of hearing can I drive long haul or short haul. Because i need to know about you what you said about different jobs have to be 100percent?

all same like people what is point. Are they having jobs but not looking for people who are deaf or hard of hearing ?

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Dec 18, 2011
driving a truck with poor hearing NEW
by: hervy

Harvey I hate you have hearing trouble but if your hearing is so bad that it might miss sounds like a horn siren it would be considered a hazard. For the US a doctor would test your hearing and if he/she thought it was good enough to be safe you could get a go on the medical card. disqualifications for drivers US

For Canadian law Canada National Safety Code for Motor Carriers.

There is a lot of new development in addressing hearing loss though. You might want to research is there is something that can be done to improve your hearing enough that you are able to get a waiver to drive.

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