trucker gets turned in for smoking weed what happens

If a truck driver got turned in for smoking weed n the driver knows how to get it out of their system will they do a hair drug test

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Mar 29, 2019
What a loser NEW
by: Anonymous

San Juan Moreno of Joliet smokes weed everyday than drives a truck get him off the road

Dec 21, 2015
In order to "turn someone in".... NEW
by: Anonymous

,,, you have to be certified by an affiliation who certifies you for 'reasonable suspicion"...

You could be wrong. The dispatchers just might know, but dont want to get caught in the legal battle of the "reasonable suspicion" accusation.

It's not that simple.

Besides the fact that most trucking companies today just want a body that is breathing and that can hold the steering wheel.

The problems arise from your behavior and from that of the general public and the Law Enforcement Officers.

Remember this: You CAN BE SUED if you are wrong, or even partly wrong...

this is why so many people don't want to "Get involved"

You can sue for false accusations made by a person or the police. The effect of false accusations affects a person’s reputation because they are either falsely accused of a crime or falsely accused of act that did not take place.

Common types of false allegations involves sexual abuse, child abuse, drug abuse or the commission of any crime. A person can sue under the tort of defamation which may either be in the form of slander, libel or defamation of character.

Slander is untrue words spoken orally with the purpose of harming an individuals reputation. It must be proven that the individual made the statements maliciously to harm the reputation of a person for their own personal reasons.

While libel is where statements are printed that falsely depicts individual in a certain way that ruin their reputation. To prove libel it has to be shown that the printed allegations were not only insulting and offensive but it was it malice. Defamation of character concerns the act of making false statements about a person which blemishes or tarnishes his/her reputation. Defamation of character can either be libel or slander.


Dec 20, 2015
not a driver NEW
by: Destini

I'm not a driver but ik someone who is and is smoking weed before he goes to work n the dispatches at his job are so stupid they don't even realize he's going to work high I was just wondering this cause I was gonna turn him in for the safety of the other drivers

Dec 20, 2015
I misunderstood the original question... NEW
by: Anonymous

... what you are saying is that you know how to pass a dirty urinalysis?

Welcome to the rest of the world.

Synthetic urine is going to become a thing of the past.

As of right now, the DOT test is undergoing a change.

Yes, they want to put Saliva testing and Hair follicle testing into place, but the DOT isnt going for it.

The trucking industry would shut down, thus shutting down the economy (depressing it even further than it already is) if they screw with truckers too much.

Everyone is on something, and thanks to HIPPA, it can be hidden away until a fatality accident occurs (your fault or not)

There are so many things that drivers dont know yet. They think that because they know how to fool an officer with their log book that all is well....

again, until a fatality accident.

If you have had your Smart Phone on during your trip, trust me when I say, it would make a better logbook than an E-log.

Stop smoking weed. Sooner or later, there will be an incident. You will get caught, they always do.

Now, if you have a prescription drug that is banned and you are NOT disclosing it to anyone except for your doctor, even though your application is asking, you are still going to have issues at some point.

What point? A fatality accident... that point.

Even if your doc say's you are safe to drive, that's not really how he words it. He say's something more like "is not likely to sustain side-effects that will cause injury or harm".. that was his ass is covered. Yours is not.

A good attorney for the opposition will dig, and when they do, you will look like an addict who can't walk straight and never should have been behind the wheel in the first place.

How do I know? How do you know I'm not talking out my ass?

You don't. But use logic and think about it.

I will tell you this much: I worked in the Safety and Compliance dept. for a VERY LARGE trucking company for nearly ten years.

Think about it before you take that next toke. Also, remember that as you get older, out here behind the wheel....things change for us guys even WITHOUT drugs.

You can trust me on that one also. Ive been doing this {safely} for over 40 years now.

Its not worth it. Just drink coffee. Save the partying for at home time if you must, and even then, pot isnt the drug of choice.

If you HAVE TO smoke weed, I would find another profession. Again, I am not saying that you can't get away with it, what I am saying is that sooner or later you will meet with regret.

Dec 19, 2015
roads NEW
by: Anonymous

get safer

Dec 19, 2015
For Mary Jane... NEW
by: Anonymous

... most companies offer a rehab program, once you complete the program, you are re-instated.

Other companies have a "Zero Tolerance" and will terminate you immediately.

This will go on record and will follow you for the rest of your life. Every time you fill out an app, there will be a question "have you ever failed a drug test?"

Not all companies just go through there insurance companies, some hire private investigators.

Dec 19, 2015
Dont know NEW
by: Anonymous

Since hair drug test isn't put into place as a work place drug test result, even though drugs stay in hair longer...they can't use that test to fire the person. Some states do have it where pee and hair drug teat results do count and if fail, u can be terminated. But until the federal government puts in place that hair drug test can be used like the per test, then the hair test will not count.

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