Trucker Job?!

by Costel

I have a question for all truckers:Many truckers know this is a good job and is good paying, we all know this job have and a few -(minus) social life,family etc,now my question:

If u Mr.Trucker(<==how read this question) let says we can give back the time u will make it again a truck driver?

Sorry for my bad English...

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Jul 15, 2009
Making the decision again
by: Jennifer S

I do believe I understood your question. You were asking, if the decision would be made again.

I can tell you this from my husband. YES, he would make the same decision again. He knew what the minus's would be when he started.

As a drivers wife, I can say- NO, i knew what I was getting into, I did not like it then, anymore than I Like it now.

No matter how much time we have to consider situations they are-as they are!

Life is too short for regrets, EVERYTHING happens for a reason, and if you turned back time, you WOULD NOT be the person you are today ;)

Jul 03, 2009
Costel from Romania.
by: Jimmy

Costel, I feel honored having a new friend from a far away place. Your English is pretty good, but I do not understand your question. Maybe you can try again. Are you a trucker there in Romania? Did you learn English in school? Jimmy

Jul 03, 2009
Good Bad & Ugly
by: Anonymous

Truck driving is an honest living when you can do it right. The greedy corporates have ruined the job manipulating it every way they can. The shippers need to support the small companies and the independent operators and put their money to use taking care of people that are trying to feed and provide for their families. The corporates are not interested in the needs of the people,they are only interested in posting huge profits and cutting the throats of the little man.

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