Trucker pulled me over! Very Scary!

This afternoon, I passed a slow moving 18 wheeler that immediately started honking and flashing his lights aggressively.

I was concerned that my car might have been on fire or something. So I pulled over to the shoulder after about a mile of this & He pulled in behind me.

He was out of his truck and almost to the rear of my van by the time I opened my door "WEIRD" I noticed no smoke and yelled "is something wrong" (I was getting out to check the car when his haste to get up to my car scared me).

The man continued toward me more slowly and said "no, nothings wrong, smiling, he calmly said "I pulled you over because you're such a pretty lady".... I slamed the door, threw it in gear and took off.

I dialed 911 and they were notifying the state troopers. This happened on a remote stretch of interstate on the new 840 exchange with very little traffic. Oddly, I would have never pulled over, but the trucker was so aggressive in his honking and flashing lights and I felt a false sense of safety because it was a double-trailer Fed-ex truck.

He was creepy! Don't get me wrong I have dear friends who are truckers. But this guy was weird! I don't scare easily, but He really scared me.

My question is, do you think this guy is dangerous? I am a sales rep and spend a lot of time on the roads and have never had this happen before.... BTW, I can't imagine how he could have seen into my vehicle to have an opinion of me when I passed him as it has a high top.

Let me know what you think.

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Nov 08, 2014
Sounds fishy NEW
by: Anonymous

Sorry but this story seems fishy. I think it's just someone seeking attention.

Feb 19, 2014
..... NEW
by: Anonymous

kids first strict rule

NEVER talk to strangers if they are bothering you get help!

let alone let them pull you over on a highway road? and then talk to them? wow didn't think that there were any naive people left in the world?

Feb 19, 2014
you did the right thing NEW
by: Ron

Yes this driver according to your story was dangerous. There are times a driver will try to let you know if something is wrong with your vehicle or maybe a hazard head of you down the highway. But never would a sane Driver pulled you over just because he thinks you are pretty. Please be careful out there and never pull over on a lonely highway for anyone. Find a safe place where the are other people around then check your vehicle if that is the case. Most new vehicles will give you a warning when something is failing. Even if a tire is going low. So yes to your question that guy was dangerous and should be reported. I have been a truck driver for 23 years and like any profession there are some dangerous people behind the wheel. Be safe and sorry for your bad experience.

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