trucker wife since1991

by kricket toney
(anniston al)

i have been a truckers wife since 1991 .have a good husband. and three wonderful son all grown now it takes a strong women to be a truckers have to be able to handle things on your own .not mind being a lone for most of the time and raising three boys that were all bigger than me when they were nine year old .but i did it .and my husband never let me fell alone .he called me and our son everyday .and talked to each of us .cricket

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May 31, 2010
Making it happen
by: Hervy

Thanks for that encouragement to other Kricket. Sounds like you and hubby's had a pretty good ride.

Always good to hear the positive stories to give ladies hope and sadly for some to realize what's missing the reason their relationship may not be in such good of shape.

Hopefully couple will get some simple tips from what you said like staying in touch and him not letting you feel alone. They will feel the happiness in the words you have written and know what needs to be done.

(I hope!:-)

Later, Hervy

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