Trucker without a job 20yr experience

I was arrested for non payment of child support, and in Tx. that is a felony. Now I can't get back to what I love and have been doing for over 20 years. I don't know which company would be willing to give me a chance.

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Apr 01, 2010
child support felony
by: Anonymous

i am in the same boat as you, CDL since 1996, my truck was repo'd in 2007 and i havent worked since. i was homeless for a good bit of that time and cant get a job to save my life, as the child support thing has again reared its ugly head. im facing 4 years in the pen, cant get work becauses of the felony. i feel like im in tourble for being poor. my truck was repod due to mismanagement by the company i was leased on to, the repo man left me in the street in Ocala, FL and i got sick shortly after that. i alomst died, i was so sick!

fast forward to jan 2010. i was arrested on a child support warrant, placed on 4 years probation and now am trying to find work. apparently i am a criminal because NO ONE wants to hire me, not even McDonalds. its been this way for 3 years now...HELP!!!

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