
by javier
(tucson Az, USA)

the purpose of an engine retarder is to?

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Aug 20, 2009
Took the words right out of my fingers ;)
by: Jennifer S

I think Jimmy covered that ;) q

Aug 19, 2009
Engine retarder,Jake brake, same thing, almost.
by: Jimmy

Originally, a guy named Jacobs invented the "Jake brake" (Jake, nickname for Jacobs). Now mind you, I'm not a mechanic, but a loose explanation of how it works is a couple valves are closed when you flip the switch, and that causes the engine to do something and thereby slows the truck down without using the brakes. Since Jacobs had the patent, engine manufacturers had to pay whatever Jacobs wanted to charge.

Originally, only Cummins and Detroit (the 2 cycle Detroit) used the Jacobs engine brake. It either didn't work on the Caterpillar engine or Cat didn't want to pay the price.

Cat came out with their version and called it an engine retarder, somewhat similiar, but, I believe it to be an exhaust retarder.

A lot of drivers call any version a "Jake brake", but officially, only the version manufactured by Jacobs is a Jake brake. For the newbies, having your engine slow you down while descending a 6% grade saves your brakes from getting hot. That's a good thing. Jimmy

Aug 19, 2009
I thought . . .
by: Chuck

I thought it was to release the compression in the motor to descend hill with a heavy load. I thought the Jake break was the brake system for the trailer. I don't know , maybe im retarded . . aggggeeshhmm . . .

Aug 19, 2009
Engine Retarders
by: Jeff

The purpose for the Jake Brake is to slow the engine (by way of combustion), this in turn slows the truck.

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