truckers helping us with a move


I heard that truckers who don't have full loads sometimes haul furniture, etc for people moving from one state to another. We don't want to hire a commercial moving company and it would be a great alternative to renting a u-haul. We are moving from Los Angeles to Colorado January 5th.

Can anyone tell us if truckers actually do help with moves as described above please?

Thank you!


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Nov 28, 2009
Reg: ABF Freight
by: Richard


Thanks for the tip on ABF. My wife and I will give them a call on Saturday. Again, really appreciate your time and hope you have a great weekend.

Drive safe!


Nov 27, 2009
ABF Freight has U Pack 2 save money moving
by: Hervy

Hey Richard I couldn't think of who it was at the time but I saw a truck earlier today that reminded me, ABF Freight offers moving service. I think they will bring you the trailer and u load it up. They are at

It's an alternative to save money compared to full scale moving with the security of using a trucking company and being insured and I think you dan do it one way.

Also, Uhaul actually provides some moving services now and you can get insurance through them too.

I was kind of rushing to get on the highway earlier so I wasn't thinking completely.


Nov 27, 2009
by: Richard

Jimmy and Hervy,

Just want to thank you for taking the time to write your comments. Sounds like a moving company is the better way to go based on your comments. Going to be expensive but I guess it's worth it in the long run.

Wish there was another way but....guess not.

Take care and thank you again.


Nov 27, 2009
Moving away.
by: Jimmy

You don't want an inexperienced driver handling your furniture. Any breakage or anything missing would be on you. ABF Freight system out of Van Buren, Ar. does furniture hauling for a reduced rate. (you load/unload). Plus, a trucker trying to co-ordinate a move from beginning to end while hauling his regular load would not be easy to find. Jimmy

Nov 27, 2009
Do truckers help people move
by: Hervy

Sometimes truckers may take some household on the end of their load to fill empty space however these house partial loads usually are arranged by a moving company.

So you still would need to call a moving company to get it listed unless you know someone with a truck.

Owner Operators my need a partial load but I don't know how common that particular route is that you are taking. Could be a challenge.

Might want to try posting it in online loadboards or call brokers in your area to see what service if any these could offer you.

It may be easier, a lot less hassle, and safer to hire a moving company. That way you will have insurance and everything in case something is damaged.

Moving is expensive not a lot of way around it without know someone, of course posing the question and situation like your doing can never hurt, you never know what will come of it.

Good luck,

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