Truckers insurance policy

i like to know if i lease my truck to a trucking co. and have to use there insurance ,which fall under a occupational accident group policy. and this trucking co. take from my payroll the money for the payment each for over 4.5 yrs.

this is from from april 25,2005 to july 28,2009 i had a stroke on the job, while out on the road, but i wasn't driving at the time. i had just drop my load and waiting on the call back from my dispatcher, because i was told to stand by.

i spent 14 days in the hospital and the job of this trucking i was leased to wouldn't give me a form to fill out to report my job-related injury.and they wouldn't report my injury to the insurance co. that was getting my payment.

i was told by this trucking co. turner bros. trucking in houston that they don't pay for an act of god, god cause my stroke and they don't pay for that , that fall under an act of god.

now when i got out the hospital i call them back up and said you'll need to do something, because you took my money or i will file a lawsuit and then i got a phone # to call for the help i was looking for.but i found out this was a worker's comp. this was a outsider ins. company now i didn't have a policy with them and the job lied to this ins. company and said i didn't suffer any injury or any illness.

i was sent a form to fill out to report my injury to this ins, company and then later on i was deny any benefits and they closed my claim and no benefits will be paid out .this was in sept.2009. i couldn't get no one to take my case.

now in jan.2012 i found a non-profit corp. to be my power of atty. and they reopen
my case back up. this ins. company of zurich who i was paying on the job came in to play, talking about it wasn't a worker comp. and later on they was going to pay what was in my policy and that was the 104 wky. at $500.00 and the 52 wks. of '''med''

but a call call came back and the job told the that i didn't work that day of my injury, so then zurich ins. gave me 60 days to show b. of proof and i did that in 5 days. by fax and mail on july 8,2013 and on the 19,2013 me and the p.o.a got in to it and they got off the case.

i sent the ins. company co. an email to let them know they is off the case and to sent me every thing from now on. i never did hear back from zurich ins. any more, but in jan. 2014 i sent an email ask about my money and i was told the claim is closed. but i never did get anything from them.

what's so bad i can get no help from no one on this. i don't understand how an outside ins. company can step in for this trucking co. and play apart and deny my claim and i end up all of these yrs. and don't get a dime.

i just keep on writing them so they don't think i'm gone away. i even asked the dept of insurance of texas to help me for all of these yrs. and now like the rest no one want to answer me back any more.

so can you tell me if i just lost out on everything i paid out to this ins. company. i can't work any more and lost just about everything i truck / trailer cars and other thing is gone. is there any help for me that you know of, because i sure do need it .

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