Truckers Old Lady

I am a drivers wife. We have been together since we have been in our 20's and now we are in our 50's now my husband has been a otr driver sense he was 18 yr old.

I use to be able to go and live in the truck with him for many of years until I got kidney cancer and now I am grounded to the house. He pulls a broken trailer and I even loved to help tie down and tarp the loads.

I really enjoyed those days. I even cooked our meals in his truck and cooked on a grill when we stopped for a few days we did not eat out much and we did this in an old peterbilt with no kitchen or shower. Its funny how you learn to make it.

We have two girls now in their 30's and 10 grandchildren from 16 down to 7 years old but now I have a few questions I need a little help from someone that lives the same life style I do so can someone please lend and old lady a helping hand

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Jun 27, 2013
oh this is an easy answer NEW
by: Anonymous

Please sit down and journal...if you started to journal at anytime through your history on the road with your husband get those all together and start to tell your life story in book form. Tell it as you saw it. The exciting parts, the not to happy parts, happy times and the sad times....if you do this you can put into a book and have it will be there for your grandchildren to read heck even your great grandchildren... so many ladies come on this site asking a lot of questions and state their fears about this lifestyle... who better to help them with their problems than someone who has many years of experience in the trucker lifestyle!! If you are able, there is always volunteer work and it is rewarding to help others and for sure it keeps you busy. Take up crafting or other all those things you thought about doing but never had the time....good luck! :)

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