Truckers Wife in distress

by Feona
(Birmingham Al.)

Hello my name is Feona I have known my husband for 30 years and we have been married for 15 years. We have 3 beautiful children together.

My husband has been a truck driver for 20 years. It seems like he is never home. We don't do much together or as a family.

He makes good money but he doesn't make it every week like he should. He says he has had a bad week and when he says it means he doesn't make a check at all it makes me feel very sick because I can not take care of home like I should.

I do understand a bad week making less than you normally make but not making anything. I feel less than a wife. It makes me feel like leaving him.

What should I do.

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May 28, 2012
Dear Distressed NEW
by: Helonwheels

You have been with this man for 30 years, you know him better than anyone. Although I do understand being away from home is part of the trucker's job you have accepted this for 20 years. Maybe if you can take a look at when you began to feel sick of it and him being away you will find the answer. Only you can know this. No one on this site can give you a clue or why this is happening to you now, and they would have to be Psychic to give an answer and we all know that's B.S.

I can give you a suggestion that may or may not help. Seek professional help if your sickness is weighing you down and you have become unable to handle even home tasks. Because you have children you must do this for yourself and for their sake. Sometimes things become so overwhelming that some people begin to suffer from depression and there is treatment for this, but only through a Doctor. You will have the opportunity to get help for your problems. Joining a support group in your local area can help you too.

Good Luck in seeking the right solution to your problem.
Helonwheels :)

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