Trucker's wife needs advice

Hi I am a trucker's wife whose husband has been gone for 3 months now. He tells me that he was told over the message board that the next time he gets to corporate to fill out a new application to see if he was telling the truth.

I don't get it. I always thought that when you fill out an application, the trucking companies review it & then hire you. When my husband filled out the application, he waited 4 weeks & was told by the company that we reviewed your application & it looks good.

I was not with my husband when he filled out the application - he was at a career links - my concern is that at his last employer, the employer said he had 3 prior accidents that were over 4 months old, he got no tickets nor did he have a police report filed on him? Can the company terminate him for this?

The union lawyer fought for my husband that it was the old company's policy to state that he left the company for downsizing & it was agreed that the company would not mention about the accidents to employers. I just don't want him to lose his job.

Thank you.

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Sep 04, 2013
Filling out applications NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks Hervy. No I think I may myself unclear. He has had 3 accidents in 7 years but the last one was 8 months ago but he never got a ticket nor a police report & the union lawyer made sure that it was clear that he left on good terms. The company that my husband used to work for was notorious for firing alot. The bosses would even fire their own mothers, that is how they were. But my husband found out that even his co-driver, he, too, has to fill out another application.

Sep 02, 2013
Filling out applications NEW
by: Hervy

Companies will sometimes jump the gun and move forward with the driver if they feel the app is good and they make a positive assessment of the driver prior to fully checking out the information on the application.

Other times, suspicion or an incident may cause there to be questions about the information.

I do know that he can get fired for lying on the application. Doesn't matter what the company agreed to say. He has to disclose of it himself on the application.

Three accidents only 4 months old might cause a problem.

Hope things work out the way they are supposed to.

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