Truckers wife not a easy job

by Tina marquez
(Conover north carolina)

Me and my husband have been married 19 years we have 3 children he always worked near home until 9 months ago and he wanted to become a truck driver I loved him so much I told him to go for it but I miss him so much and so does the kids.

He makes good money but if I had a choice between money and him I would pick him any day he is my life my soul mate my partner and my best friend so how do I cope with him being gone how do I go on.

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Jul 24, 2012
Froup Support NEW
by: Anonymous

Find group support with individuals in this type of separation due to jobs. These can be found within your community. Military wives can spend up to months/years without seeing their husbands as well as the children are without seeing their father. So that you wont feel alone this is the best suggestion. Loneliness can lead to depression and then you will have a new problem to deal with.

Stay Strong
God Bless

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