truckers wife since1991

by truckers wife
(anniston al usa)

It's not always easy to be a truckers wife,but if you can, stick it out. The pay is good. You miss each other but when he comes home you are like newlyweds again .

To support your man takes a strong woman that can be on her own. One that can handle every thing that comes up. She has to have a loving heart and be able to trust her man. I have been married to my trucker for 33yrs. He has been a otr driver for 19yrs now. He is home every two weeks. We are happy.

Bei apart has made us closer than ever.

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Jun 05, 2009
33 years as a truckers wife and counting
by: Hervy

Wow. Now that's a testimony.

Thanks for posting. It will give strength and hope to a lot of women.

You are right, it does take a strong woman. Got to be self sufficient. A truckers wife is not for a weak woman.

Hope you will return to render advice to some other ladies because I feel a lot of pain from some of the ladies who are in relationships with truckers.

A lot of them are worried for nothing. Some are worried for good reason but the problem didn't start with trucking it started with a poor excuse for a man.

What do these women do? I think I will pose that question in a post.

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