Truckers wife with questions

by amy

I think that my husband is cheating on me over the road! How would I know for sure and since he is all over the country will I ever know if it does happen?

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Oct 02, 2009
You are driving yourself crazy!!
by: Jennifer S


There is no "way" to determine if your husband is having an affair. Point-blank, are you prepared for this type of relationship?

Husbands that are not home, and are on the road, have VERY little time for extra-marital affairs. For the most part, they do not have much time for showers, sleep, or to even have the time to consider such adventures.

I am not saying that it does not happen. But it is more of a stigma due to some ruthlessness, and unconscionable men that make such a stereotype fit. Meaning, just because there are some men that have had affairs on the road, do NOT mean that all husbands are like that.

I suggest you NOT put that type of stress on your marriage. Its hard enough being a wife of a driver. The more pressure, nagging, nit-picking, and even jealousy that you throw into your marriage the quicker you are to jeopardize that same marriage.

I strongly suggest you read the articles in "Advice for you." I think this will help you immensely in this area!!

Keep your chin up, be positive, and GIVE him reasons not to do such things!


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