Trucker's Wife

by Pamela
(Gainesville, FL)

She is a woman like no other. She lives in a world surrounded by people who will never understand her. There is no prestige in what she does, she is not considered a hero, but in fact she becomes the outcast. She is considered unworthy of women in the society she is forced to inhabit.
Sleepless nights. Long days of being mommy, daddy, the cook, the maid, the chauffer, the psychologist, the nurse, the delivery lady, the coach, the accountant… the glue that holds her home together. Her job is not one that is sought after. There is no award, no promotion, no recognition.
More often than not, this woman falls asleep in a bed with nothing but a pillow to hold on to. She awakens to only a vision of that smile she so longs to see. It’s a lonely job, despite the amount of people she encounters. To avoid the whispers, the chuckles, and the laughs she stays to herself and her family. She spends her days grasping her phone, anxiously awaiting the one call that makes her whole day, and praying she doesn’t receive the other.
To most this life seems so horrific. They wonder why a woman would subject themselves to such tragedy. They cannot understand a woman willingly allowing herself to become this… whatever she has become.
Oh but to her, there is no other life she would ever dream of. She is loved by a man that goes far beyond the men of these other women. She holds her head high with pride in knowing what the others can’t see. God has given her a gift that He only gives to the strongest of women. She may lay awake most nights, she may seem so lonely, they may feel sorrow for her… But she is shining in the eyes of the Lord. All that He has given to her, she in turn gives her family. He gave her the strength and the love that only she could express. So she gives the same to the most precious gift she received. She supports him, she helps him raise their family. She ensures that when he does come home, it welcomes him with open arms. She is the bridge between her love and their children. She is strong enough to carry even the heaviest of loads so he remains safe while he is away. Most of all she loves him. With all the love God has given her to give, she loves him. And she knows when she hears that all too familiar sound of that diesel shifting down, everything she does becomes worth it. She…. is a Trucker’s Wife.

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Mar 26, 2015
Christine NEW
by: Pamela

It DOES mean something! It means EVERYTHING to that incredible family we are given. Always remember that behind a great truck driver there is an amazing woman making it possible for him to be all he can be. Keep your head up... We all know all to well how hard it can be sometimes, but God has given you the strength he only gives to a few and when that truck pulls in remember to thank him for all the sacrifices he also makes to give you a life you deserve. You are in my prayers!

Mar 26, 2015
best thing all day NEW
by: christine

This really makes my day I have been so depressed over my husband being a truck driver lately and home life with kids ,house ,bills etc etc.. is so Damon hard sometime. Great to know that a trucker wife means something. I am a trucker wife

Mar 26, 2015
best thing all day NEW
by: christine

This really makes my day I have been so depressed over my husband being a truck driver lately and home life with kids ,house ,bills etc etc.. is so Damon hard sometime. Great to know that a trucker wife means something. I am a trucker wife

Mar 26, 2015
best thing all day NEW
by: christine

This really makes my day I have been so depressed over my husband being a truck driver lately and home life with kids ,house ,bills etc etc.. is so Damon hard sometime. Great to know that a trucker wife means something. I am a trucker wife

Nov 15, 2014
back at ya NEW
by: Anonymous

whos judging now? lol! This right to vent and those who want to voice their own opinion goes hand in hand whats good for the goose so be good for the gander..nim wit!

Nov 15, 2014
you people are low lives! NEW
by: pissed off at society

Grammar. Punctuation. Self worth and esteem. When most of you read this that is all you saw. You did not see someone saying what she felt for this website. You saw a moment to judge and you took it. I for one think it is beautiful and she has the right to post what she would like on a public website. So what if her life is different than you successful business life or different than your religious life. Do you really think that is what God put you here for? To judge others? Absolutely not. So please get the cob out of your ass and just let people vent the way they want to without having to worry about selfish low life pieces of nothing such as yourselves.
Happy SUCCESSFUL non judgmental mother and trucker wife.

Nov 15, 2014
you people are low lives! NEW
by: pissed off at society

Grammar. Punctuation. Self worth and esteem. When most of you read this that is all you saw. You did not see someone saying what she felt for this website. You saw a moment to judge and you took it. I for one think it is beautiful and she has the right to post what she would like on a public website. So what if her life is different than you successful business life or different than your religious life. Do you really think that is what God put you here for? To judge others? Absolutely not. So please get the cob out of your ass and just let people vent the way they want to without having to worry about selfish low life pieces of nothing such as yourselves.
Happy SUCCESSFUL non judgmental mother and trucker wife.

Nov 15, 2014
you people are low lives! NEW
by: pissed off at society

Grammar. Punctuation. Self worth and esteem. When most of you read this that is all you saw. You did not see someone saying what she felt for this website. You saw a moment to judge and you took it. I for one think it is beautiful and she has the right to post what she would like on a public website. So what if her life is different than you successful business life or different than your religious life. Do you really think that is what God put you here for? To judge others? Absolutely not. So please get the cob out of your ass and just let people vent the way they want to without having to worry about selfish low life pieces of nothing such as yourselves.
Happy SUCCESSFUL non judgmental mother and trucker wife.

Nov 05, 2014
All of You In Your Own World NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a brand new wife of a trucker, not that I am a newlywed, just that my husband is brand new as being a trucker & now I can see why I was forewarned by friends & relatives to get on this site because they all told me that truckers & their wives are in a world of their own & I will be seeing that eventually. I have read comments on this post & other postings & boy some sensitivity issues & self-esteem issues & my friends & relatives have told me never let your husband's job define who you are, they still have me as a wife, NOT a trucker's wife!

Nov 05, 2014
All of You In Your Own World NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a brand new wife of a trucker, not that I am a newlywed, just that my husband is brand new as being a trucker & now I can see why I was forewarned by friends & relatives to get on this site because they all told me that truckers & their wives are in a world of their own & I will be seeing that eventually. I have read comments on this post & other postings & boy some sensitivity issues & self-esteem issues & my friends & relatives have told me never let your husband's job define who you are, they still have me as a wife, NOT a trucker's wife!

Nov 05, 2014
All of You In Your Own World NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a brand new wife of a trucker, not that I am a newlywed, just that my husband is brand new as being a trucker & now I can see why I was forewarned by friends & relatives to get on this site because they all told me that truckers & their wives are in a world of their own & I will be seeing that eventually. I have read comments on this post & other postings & boy some sensitivity issues & self-esteem issues & my friends & relatives have told me never let your husband's job define who you are, they still have me as a wife, NOT a trucker's wife!

Nov 05, 2014
really NEW
by: Anonymous

seriously? Sacrifice is something you do for and in the name of God. Not in the name of man? Sacrifice is a humbling experience. Something you dont try and tell the world about unless you want credit for it. Sacrifice is an unheard reward for self. So for all the wrong reasons you want to be thanked for your writing. I think it is time for you to take a deeper look into what it was you want from life. From your writing I could not tell if you wanted out or if you wanted gratitude for your good deed or if you were happy or unhappy? Maybe it would be good to go back to writing school. English and punctuation is needed as well.

Along with writing publicly you will have critics and you need to listen to both sides if you want to become a good writer. Not everyone views things in the eye of the writer and they are entitled to their opinion. If you cant understand this you are in fact not a true writer. Just an individual who is seeking or reaching out for something and I dont know what that is only you do.

Nov 05, 2014
No it's fine NEW
by: Pamela

Hey don't worry about it... I am going to ask that my post be removed. I write as a hobby and my writings are enjoyed by many others. I thought people here may enjoy what I write. It was not intended for people to do all of this. I pray every night for all truckers and their families. I will pray even moreso for those that I now see have no understanding that life is NOT about them but about those who's lives they touch.

Nov 05, 2014
You all miss her point! NEW
by: Anonymous

How ungrateful you all are. So what if what she wrote seems corny to you. I think it is a beautiful contribution to all us trucker's wives that make our OWN sacrifices for these men in our lives. Shame on you all. To the author of this, thank you. Thank you for the support you give your husband. For recognizing him and the gift God gives you. And thank you for being beautiful!

Nov 05, 2014
by: Anonymous

If you were trying to write some type of poetic letter it really is corny.

Nov 05, 2014
are you upset NEW
by: Anonymous

about what another persons opinion is? yeap you got issues. I thought so...mmmmm

Nov 02, 2014
Re: Maybe you're new NEW
by: Anonymous

And by the way... That makes 37 years for me! And raised 4 kids... So yeah, being a trucker's wife puts you in the roll of EVERYTHING and you because the bridge that keeps a daddy like my husband (who adores his kids and wants to be a part of every part of their life) connected to your children. Being a trucker's wife is something to BE PROUD OF... I know my self worth... It seems to me that maybe YOU have some self esteem issues if you have to talk about all the worldly accomplishments you have done... Since I was talking about the amount of strength and love God gives to trucker's wife and how it maybe seen by other's as not so glamorous (as made obvious by YOUR OWN COMMENT) but to her it's everything because of the greatest gift she received... HER TRUCKER... It's the same with military wives who hold that same strength and love for a man they can't hold every night. Maybe you should learn to read MORE than the first two sentences before commenting on what you YOURSELF show you don't understand.

Nov 02, 2014
Re: Maybe you're new NEW
by: Anonymous

Quite the contrary! I have been around the industry my entire life! From my father to driving myself! I am ALSO a NURSE so I have my own accomplishments! I do have friends and friends OBVIOUSLY aren't the ones that shun people! And if you aren't ever lonely than you should reassess your relationship because you can ALL the friends in the world lady but they don't give a wife what her husband does! Or maybe it's that YOU don't go through what some of us do, where our husbands get to make it home for 48 hours every 2 MONTHS. So yeah.. And by the way.... Having been around it my entire life... This is a PRAISE to real trucker's wives!

Nov 02, 2014
Maybe you are NEW
by: Anonymous

I haven't a clue on what your trying to say in this post but speak for yourself...this truckers wife feels none of what you do! sorry about your luck..

I have status in my life because I have my own job where I am a successful business woman. I have many friends and childhood friends for more than 45 years who accept me for my accomplishments not my husbands??

I think some motivational classes are in order here for you. Self esteem at its lowest when a woman defines who she is by her husbands world and needs validation through that man. This is crazy what your saying get out of this thought process you are in and start defining who you are by what you do not him!! SAD SAD!!

Truckers Wife for 25 years.

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