Trucking can have such bad days!!

by Jodi
(Nashport, Ohio)

I previously posted about trying to get a job to help with the finances while my husband is getting in the experience he needs in order to go with another company.

I can no longer get a job to help due to a massive heart attack in April. Things are so strained that we are in the process of losing our home, our truck, and having utilities shut off!!

I am so overwhelmed with all of this, on top of attending college classes and taking care of 4 teenagers. He has his tanker and hazmat endorsements, and we are currently waiting on Pilot to give him the okay to get his drug test and physical so he can start driving for them.

But the waiting process and the lack of miles with the company he is currently with is killing us. I have exhausted all options and I am almost ready to just give up. I have tried different agencies for assistance but since I live in a rural area not very many will help with much.

I am pulling my hair out trying to get a loan just to get us by, but with crappy credit that is almost impossible unless we were to get a payday loan and those are outrageous. But still wouldn't cover what we owe.

I don't wanna complain to him because I know he has so much more important things to worry about while on the road, like his safety and the safety of others. I know I am just ranting but if anyone can offer advice or even just listen to me rant that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much for all of the support. I love this forum.

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Jul 27, 2016
Bad Days NEW
by: Ice_Mystic

Hi Jodi, omg, I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles, I hope you are recovering and feeling better from your heart attack. Under the circumstances, I am not sure why you cannot get assistance from any social programs through your government. My suggestion for you would be to sit down and make a list of all your marketable skills, ie: typing, knowledge, talents, research skills, organizational skills, computer skills, nice phone voice, love to clean, etc., I am assuming you have access to the internet, because you posted here. Then just hit the search engines, jobs from home, working from home, jobs for people with organizational skills, things like that. take a look at the suggestions and see if there is anything that you can do or am qualified for or can just make you some money. Put the word out there with friends and family that you are looking for a way to make money.

I would contact your utilities and landlord, tell them your situation and see if you can make arrangements for small payments til you can catch up. I discovered that some of the utilities were actually quite cooperative in helping me out as long as I was willing to make small payments they seemed good.

I know you are in a very stressful tough situation, but you sound like a strong resourceful woman who's just a little overwhelmed. You can do this, if you can raise 4 teenagers you can do anything LOL. Talk to your hubby, I know you don't want to stress him, but I bet he has the exact same concerns and worries as you. Maybe together you can devise a plan.

Good Luck Jodi, please take care of yourself, try hard to think positive, (its easy to say hard to do) and go one step at a time. As a family you can do this.

Jul 26, 2016
Consider tutoring classes that you already had
by: Hervy

Hi Jodi,

The first thing that comes to mind since you are in school is private tutoring on difficult classes that you might have already had. Advertise it on craigslist and flyers at school.

Also, you can do independent work at sites such as,,, If you know any software or have other skills that you can market.

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