trucking co what is there scam

by dave
(vernon tx)

i have talked to 2 different co not to say there names both says bus. is slow (we all know that ) but they say not putting on any exp. drivers now but are putting on students drivers and training them WHATS UP dont make to much since to me .one said there geting rid of some drivers but wanting to train others.sounds like to me there older drivers getting tired of starving to death and moving on to other jobs and co wants to put on students knowing they need to be trained and need to stay on 3 to 6 months to get job exp. to move on to good co. crap just dont know whats your feed of this mess?????

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Feb 14, 2009
What in the &#*@ are these companies doing?
by: Jimmy

You raise a good question. Why would a trucking company want to get rid of experienced drivers and replace them with inexperienced drivers? I personally don't think that's a smart move.

But remember, this is a business that needs to make a profit. Any business has a business plan. They are looking ahead months/years to try to foresee the future and adjust their plan, no matter what.

If they project continued lack of business, then for sure the experienced drivers will be leaving and they'll need to draw from the inexperienced pool of incoming drivers.

These are strange times we're in. Jimmy

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